Went out for a walk around the yard this afternoon and found this fellow posing on the fence by the tomato plant.
I could do with a few of those here in Scotland. They'd make short work of some of the harmful insects that are going around. Superb shot of 'your' Mantis CK. :-D
Oh wow Capt, what a great shot! I'm really starting to think I need to get myself a camera with super macro...
Netty, my camera is a Fugifilm Finepix S8100 fj. It is 10 megapixel and 18X optical zoom. I got it at Walmart.com and it was just over $400 US. It takes great pics and I like it because you don't have to change lenses.
Wow! I've never seen them that big. They don't seem to like our wet winters and summers. Do they winter over or do you need to reintroduce them each year?