Parsley has sprouted, what next

Discussion in 'Herb Gardening' started by fish_4_all, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. fish_4_all

    fish_4_all In Flower

    Nov 13, 2008
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    Zone 8-9 Washington
    I have a bunch of parsley seeds that have started to sprout in their papertowel cribs and I need to know what next. I know they get a deep root system but how deep of a pot is deep enough? I have 2 varieties, the Italian and the curly leaf dwarf.

    Also, once I am ready to move them outside, how deep do I bury them? Do I bury them as deep as possible leaving the leaves above the surface? Do I bury the whole thing leaves and all and let them push back through something light like a peat moss/coconut coir?

    I have only started apples and gourds this way and they are so much easier than these tiny seeds, either that or I am making it too complicated.
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    When they go from grower to garden center they are usually in 4" or 6" pots, so one of those sizes will be fine until you are ready to plant them out. If the plant develops a Tap Root which heads straight down looking for water, the pot doesn't have to be all that large for seedlings.

    I think, except for tomatoes, all other transplants are to be planted at the same depth they were in the pot. If you bury the leaves you will most likely kill the plant.

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