I found this variegated virginia creeper and fell in love. I have tons of the plain green that lots of people mistake for poison ivy. Lucky for me I have a fairly large yard or else with my love of variegation I would be well on my way to a Clown Yard. 8)
Really pretty, Bethie. Since you like the varigated colors, have you seen the tri-color Sweet Potato vine? I know first hand how easy it is to confuse Virginia Creeper with Poison Ivy....ours turned out to be poison ivy and I still have the scars on my legs to remind me.
Ooooh, that is a gorgeous thing! Have you seen the varigated tulips? I think it's Netherland Bulb Co that has a pretty tulip with green and yellow leaves. I ordered a catalog, might have to try some for next spring. There is nothing wrong with a clown yard. Clowns are entitled to gardening too! Deanna :-D
Oh how lovely, we have a variegated yellow lantana at WalMart. And my pink sweet potato vines are starting to run like crazy. http://davesgarden.com/pf/showimage/2293/