Me and Sears and Roebuck that is. Six years ago we bought a fridge, stove and microwave from them. Four years ago we bought a washer/dryer from them. Have had to have the dryer repaired 3 times already. Twice for the belt and once for the heating element. Sometime last night the fridge and freezer stoped cooling. The ice cream had turned into milk shakes and the ice had melted. I have a repairman coming to check it out. He said it could be the compresser starter or it could be the compressor itself. If it is the compressor, it would be about $800. If it's the starter only about $115. If it's the compressor I will get a new fridge. I have already found one at Lowes for a little over $700. If it's the other, I will have it repaired. We moved the stuff from the freezer to the big freezer, it still had ice in it. But all the stuff in the fridge is shot. The milk I moved out to the front porch, its only 38 out there. The stove still works ( knock on wood). The microwave is a Sears brand so it should be ok. Sears used to have really good stuff at good prices, but not any more.
I'm due for a new fridge, stove and washing machine so I'm starting to look around. My sister had problems with with a vaccuum she bought from Sears and has boycotted shopping there. She won't even look at their catalog anymore! It's been a few years, and she likes to shop so they blew it!
I used to have a Sears card, but years ago they turned it into a Master Card credit card, then they transferred it to Citi Bank. When I didn't use it in 6 months, they cancelled it. I haven't shopped at Sears since.
We bought a new dishwasher at Sears on black Friday. My husband was there at 6:30 in the morning to get this good deal. At that time he just bought it but didn't go pick it up until after lunch when some of the crowd had died down. He gets home with my new dishwasher, has the old one out and begins to install this new one only to find that it needs some special hose attachment doo-dah. He calls the guy at Sears and is told "Oh yeah, we have to order those" I'm really glad I was at work while all this was going on! Luckily he managed to find the part at the appliance store on the other side of town. He was not a happy camper Like you, I hadn't shopped there since they did all that weird stuff with their credit cards.
We get appliances from Sears and haven't had any problems. Knock on wood... I love my Cabria washer and dryer we got a while back..I think you take a chance with all appliances...
The repairman got here about 4 pm, I lucked out. It was the compressor starter relay that was bad. But he said that the compressor is showing some wear and it would be next to go. So when that happens we will get a new fridge. This is the 1st time I had to have it worked on and its 6 years old. The old fridge was a Norge and it was still running good at 24 years old. Just didn't have some of the more modern things in it.
Whew, you lucked out there Capt! Is it just me or does only 6 years seems young for a fridge to need work? I bought my current fridge about 5 years ago at Sear's in 30 minutes flat and that included the drive to and from the store! So far so good.... My washer and dryer are both over 20 years old so I know the day will be here soon that I'll have to replace...
Yes, you lucked out this time Capt. My fridge and W/D are from Sears. My washer sounds like the bearings are going out in it. It is 10 years old, so I hope it will last a while longer.
My brother hasn't been happy with his Sears.My old Sears washer and dryer lasted over 22 years.I sure wouldn't want new a New Sears as much trouble as he has had with his washer.
I haven't been to a Sears store in over 20 years I haven't even botherd to take my broken Craftsman tools in to get replaced...I just buy new tools from anywheres else but there.. They made me really mad and I stormed out of the store and have never even thought about going back!!!! Sorry You are having so much trouble with your appliances Captain.. I agree 6 years is awfully young...
Some one said this morning that the average lifespan for a new appliance now is 5 years. What ever happened to quality? Is that word used for advertising only? We have an old J C Penny, Pencrest toaster that my mother gave us as a wedding present. It has made toast every morning for the past 44 years. Has never been repaired. Now THAT'S quality!
I just read in the Sunday paper this past week that durable goods have a life span of 10 years. I guess if that's durable I must be ultra-durable.
They had to stop putting quality parts in them as they were not making any money .The appliances were lasting way to long to make money.
Now that peaked my curiosity. Who manufactured the "Norge" model? I ask because "Norge" is "Norway" in Norwegian.