Does anyone know if the suckers from pawpaws can be used as the pollinator for the same tree? or do they have to have 2 genetically different trees for cross pollination? I see my one tree has sprouted some suckers and since my original 2nd tree died, can these be left to cross pollinate? I did find a new little tree this spring and it will be a few years before I see any flowers either way, should I mow over the suckers or leave a couple?
This is an insect pollinated tree. Are there others in the neighborhood? If yes, then let your esthetic drive the mower. Usually clones do not provide enough genetic diverity. So my guess is a sucker may not provide your need without a neighboring tree. Parent, sibling, cousin, yes. Twin maybe not.
Okay. Kind of the way I was leaning in thought, but wanted to see if anyone thought differently. Thanks. Maybe I'll move a few of those to the woods. maybe they will make some fruit for the wildlife at some point in time. Once I get my other tree established.