I recently bought 4 Persian Limes from the plant nursery. They will eventually become 20 foot tall trees. But for the next 5 to 7 years, they can easily be placed in clay pots. Anyway, they have now started to give me fruit! And their yield per plant is amazingly high! Persian lime 1 ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden ) Persian lime 2 ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden ) Persian lime 3 ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden )
When I was a kid (in the early 80s), I had Persian Limes in my home. They are locally known as 'khagzee-nimboo', meaning limes with a paper thin skin. They are extremely juicy, taste fantastic - And most of all, our Dog would love to take her nap under the Persian Limes bush. She'd also drink the lemonade we would make from these limes! Gypsy about to fall asleep under the Persian Lime ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden )
Well, the advantage is that when you pick them fresh from the tree, they have at least twice as much Vitamin C than you get from the ones bought from the store. Their taste is also (for the first 2 days after picking) extremely pungent - After which it starts to normalize. Also, these limes are picked green, when a tiny yellow spot appears on their skin, it means that they are ripe! Oh and I forgot to mention, they have hardly any seeds in them, and even a 4 year old child can squeeze them with ease. Their juice is about 1.6 to 1.8 times that of a normal lime (for the same size)!
I love limes. Wish I could grow one here. The best I can do is one in my greenhouse and it probably just wouldn't be the same.
S-H, I'm lime-green with envy! The only way we can grow limes is in a pot that is taken inside for the winter. You might say we have "mobile limes"!
When my brother purchased the fruit trees this past winter, he was going to get a Lime tree... but got something else instead. Now I kinda wish he had gotten one!
Carolyn Keiper, Marlingardener, Cherylad, I've got an idea which you guys will love! I've heard that this Persian Lime can easily be planted in giant Oak Barrels. So if you install caster wheels under it, than you'll have no trouble rolling it from indoors to outdoors (depending on your weather conditions).
Well, aside from the Persian Lime tree in an Oak barrel. I suggest that you also get a lazy Golden Retriever who'll like to sleep under it.
By the way, I've just now also bought 2 Australian Finger Limes! Right now they are not giving any fruit, but the moment they do - I'll post some pictures of them as well!
They sure seem to love this hot weather! Persian lime 4 ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden )