I missed voting...I thought I had checked the last time I was here but I must not have...It says the time is 6:37 and here it is only 12:43.
I have no area to vote on my computer screen. Not like before. Do we go into another area to vote now?
Sherry if you haven't voted there should be the block above the photos with the photo numbers for you to choose from. If you are seeing the photo numbers and the number of votes they have gotten, that means you have already voted.
That is just it, I didn't vote. That is why I thought I was too late. That is alright because everyone would know who I voted for now with all this going on. I will try it again next month. My vote wouldn't change anything anyway with the results I see so I will try next month.
Frank will read this later and have some ideas as to what happened. Sorry you didn't get to vote, does look like photo #2 is the runaway winner.
Sherry, is it possible that you were signed out when you viewed the page? The poll options do not appear to signed-out visitors.
We have a winner! Congrats to member Sjoerd for posting his The Glassnijder photo. Enjoy seeing your photo on the home page