Pick the Decorating Style for Your Bedroom

Discussion in 'Choosing Colors' started by harmonSmith, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. harmonSmith

    harmonSmith New Seed

    Oct 7, 2008
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    One of the best ways to ensure a relaxing transition to a good night's sleep is to have a bedroom setting that is calm and tranquil. If you have a bedroom that feels cluttered and chaotic, this atmosphere may interfere with a good night's sleep, according to sleep experts. My problem is that i am having a trouble in choosing right color for my room.Also share me what's color and style of the bedroom do you prefer
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    What's your favorite color or what colors do you prefer? You can't be calm and tranquil in a room that is decorated in a color you don't like. If you are not sure what color you want, I would suggest that you go to a fabric store and look at the fabrics to find ones that you feel good about. Not the print on the fabric, but the different colors and tones of the colors.
    You could do that at the paint store too but their color swatches are usually only about 3" square, not enough to really get the feel for a color.

    My personal preference is for the darker tones of colors, those are more comfortable to me. In fact I don't have any primary colors, brights or pastels in my house as they do not give me a comfortable, homey feeling.

    We recently finished re-doing our bedroom using 4 shades of blue with purple as an accent color. We find it very comfortable and relaxing.

    By style of bedroom do you mean....minimalist, Victorian with all the frills and fru-fru, modern chrome and glass, etc?
    Ours would have to be called 'late hand-me-down meets thrift store'. Having pieces that we like, that we either got for free or at a very cheap price makes us happy and contributes to the comfy feeling of our room. And our room is uniquely ours because we certainly are not going to see the same pieces in anyone else's room. :-D
  4. chio88

    chio88 New Seed

    Oct 6, 2008
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    In my opinion, tranquil colors will be good, like light blue or light green. White will be nice to as it always associated with cleanliness and serenity. Avoid colors that are bold like orange and red. But its all up to what suits your personality :-D
  5. harmonSmith

    harmonSmith New Seed

    Oct 7, 2008
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    Thanks for the reply. my favorite color is black and Green but i don't think they will look good in room. I think theme of Black and white combination will work.
  6. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Black and green could work in a bedroom. I would find it more relaxing than a stark black and white combination.

    Black furniture, painted if need be. A dark shade of emerald green for the bedspread or comforter and curtains and a blue-tone green for the walls.
    The colors I came up with are on the behr.com site
    search for Garden View 470D-4, Emerald Lake 570B-6, and Black - you can go gloss or matte for the furniture.

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