Donna S, Regular pickled eggs: ... -eggs.html Now these must be kept in the fridge and will be ready in 2 weeks. They are not really canned but just sealed. If you don't like spicy leave the pepper out. Also, You can use pickled beet juice to pickle eggs in. Just put them in and wait about 2 weeks. Keep in fridge. I also have an Indian pickled egg recipe. You have to like Indian stuff. That's what we use. I have a few kinds of pickled eggs in the fridge all the time. Perfect boiled eggs: Start with room temp 4 week old eggs. If I buy them from the store I hold them for 3 weeks in the fridge and then let them get to room temp. Put them in room temp water and put them on just below high and then high to boiling. As soon as they boil take them off the burner and let it sit for 12 minutes. Time it. Once that is done, run over cool water quickly to stop the cooking action. If you do that you won't get a green layer around the yolk. If you are pickling it's a lot more appetizing to not see that green.... :-D moderator's note: added link to source of duplicated content, see point 3.4 of usage rules
Donna, I just put a tot of Vodka in my hens' water, and I get pickled eggs (and staggering chickens)! (Sorry, I couldn't resist). I don't have any recipes for pickled eggs, but if the daffy dozen start laying well, I may need all the egg recipes I can get, including these pickled egg recipes.
I know another use for vodka for your chickens. You'll have warm pickled eggs and chickens with their own central heating.