Well my tomatoes are about 4 inches now should I pinch the top out of them to make them bushy or what should I do the ones I growed last year from seed just didn't do good, These here look good I have repotted them once now but were do I go from here? I would really like to grow my own. Thank you Margie :-? moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
Hi Margie--I don't think that I would pinch out the tops of your toms if I were you. Whether a tom is bushy or a climber is determined by its genetic make-up. Tomatos have three three main habitus sorts-- (1) Tall, or cordon: Also called "Indeterminate" This type is perhaps the most common and it has an obvious main or central stem (2) Bush: Also called, "Determinate". This sort has no obvious main stem but has several stems and does not grow as tall as the cordon sort. It limits its own growth upwards. (3) Dwarf: This sort is a very small sort (~8-9 inches) and is more commonly used in standing containers or hanging baskets. To know which type/sort of toms that you have planted, look on the seed pack--it should be stated on that. Otherwise you can look the tomato sort up on the internet if you know its name. I hope that this doesn't sound too esoteric, Margie.
Tomatoes Thank you so much that helps a lot,I didn't know they come in so many different variety. I just know them by big Boys or cherry tomatoes,Or something. Thank you margie