Pink Petunia, trying to find out the cultivar or species?

Discussion in 'Plant ID' started by Mrs. Galeassi, May 7, 2013.

  1. Mrs. Galeassi

    Mrs. Galeassi In Flower

    May 8, 2012
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    South Florida
    Hi Stewbies, Just trying to find out the species or cultivar of my Petunia plant. Its pink and blooms a lot, it seems to need to be moved to a hanging pot. Its store bought for a dollar at kmart. The tag only says petunia, no scientific name or anything of any use to help I.d. it. Thank you :)

    my flower garden :) 4/24 ( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )

    5/1 ( photo / image / picture from Mrs. Galeassi's Garden )
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  3. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Mrs. G. I am sorry to not be able to really help. There are literally hundreds of petunia varieties. This is probably in the grandiflora line, but no idea as to which one it really could be.
  4. Mrs. Galeassi

    Mrs. Galeassi In Flower

    May 8, 2012
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    South Florida
    Thanks :) I've been to kmart a lot lately and none of there plants say more then just a general name. This is the only one I'm having issues with. I will try google again. I just purchased some Sweet Williams and all the tag said was Dianthus. Hope you have a lovely weekend and mothers day if your a mom. :)
    Frank likes this.
  5. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Mrs. G. The box stores have a way of using generic labels on "cheap" plants (very inexpensive seeds, not that the plants aren't nice, just not much $$ in the cost of the seed itself. Growing one costs no more or less). You most likely will not be able to find the exact variety, but if you save some of the seeds from one of the seeds capsules you may be able to grow a very similar one next year, if you want.

    Thank you for the nice wishes and yes, I am a mom. I have four lovely almost grown to out of the house children. Only one left in school now. Next year will be her last as a highschooler, but she will be doing almost all college classes at the University of Akron. Yay!...
    Mrs. Galeassi likes this.

  6. Mrs. Galeassi

    Mrs. Galeassi In Flower

    May 8, 2012
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    South Florida
    Oh nice, my 3 girls are all still little. I have an eleven year old an eight year old and an almost three year old. Congrats :) Funny I have a cousin whom is a police officer in Akron I believe. Or he was and went to columbus. Wow not sure hahaha.....And yes these are cheap plants only 86 cents on sale. Well we will see how they do, I hope well cause I do like them.
  7. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I do have an Akron police office who lives just a few houses up the road. I don't know his name though. they just moved in last year. Seems like a nice family, though.

    Enjoy your girls...they will grow up so fast you'll say "I blinked and they are already grown". It goes by so fast.

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