Hello Folks, Can anyone tell me a little about planting corn seeds? I would like to know if it makes a difference how one places the seed in soil, e.g. point first, on their side, etc. Is it necessary to first soak the seeds before planting? and finally, will they do well started in pots then placed into the ground? Any other tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks loads,
Hi Sjoerd I have good luck planting corn in flats. I do not soak the seed or plant them with any particular end up. I keep them growing until the kernel is gone and then transplant them into the garden. (I do this because the animals seem to always find the seed and eat it!)
I grew corn once (I hardly knew anything about planting seeds and they grew!), but the ants took over the plants! Yuck... It really isnt hard to grow *starts singing* "Theres more than coooorn in Indianaaaaa!
Hiya Sjoerd! I don't pre-soak my seed as I always worry about them rotting off. I sow them each to an individual small pot of regular damp potting compost, and I don't worry which way in they go. Like beans, I reakon they work out which was is up. My kids often sow the corn for me, and they just poke them in, in the greenhouse, and away they go. The careful time is planting out as they don't seem to like root disturbance - that is why I grow them in individual pots. Plus they likes a drink - something I can't do with no water on the allotment, but even so we harvest on average 3 cobs per plant.
Thank you...thank you...thank you! I surely appreciate all your help.I just planted the corn seeds directly in the ground and will see what happens. I did germinate 6 or 8 in the greenhouse which I can use to fill-in any "gaps" in the rows which may occur. Well we'll see what happens...I have a sneaking feeling that if they germinate, my biggest problem will be protecting the ears from the ravenous jackdaws, mice and rats that make the rounds on our lottie complex. Anyway...thanks again for all your comments and advice. p.s Bon Voyage, Eileen
Corn does not (or at least not when I've tried it) transplant well. That said, if you like to gamble and are a little lucky you can sprout corn like mung beans and plant out the sprouted seed about your last average frost free day. Here in central OH that'd be May 15. If you plant an early corn and are lucky you can beat everybody else by two weeks or more. Good enough on a small block to get some bragging rights.