Peace There is rose - we call it 'Peace' Its beauty pleads that wars shall cease. A legend grew with each new leaf, As we prayed for 'Peace' for war is grief. The rose went round and about the world, As each new petal was unfurled; And as it travelled all about, Within those countries filled with doubt, How do we know, perhaps this rose Sent out a message to our foes? And I should think the message read, Please think of our beloved dead, I know I am but one small rose, But what man reaps is what he sows; And if you sow a bitter seed, Perhaps a gun is what you need; But if you plant a seed of love, For all mankind, and God above, Then here I seek 'Peace' and friendship true And I should love to be a part Of both your garden and your heart, If you should look then you will find, Though but a rose, I`m like mankind; First plant the seed - a kindly word; Try to be sure that all have heard, Then fertilize and feed the thought, And reap the friendship that you sought, Nourish it and work each day, Striving for a better way, Search the garden of your heart, Let 'Peace' fill all - not just a part, And as the years go drifting by, Help the legend live instead of die. Plant the rose of `Peace` and watch it there As you treat the world with loving care. Carolyn Cunningham
I missed this poem Eileen.My cumputer most day delete my new posts so I really missed this beautiful one. Thanks for posting this.I'm so glad I found it.