My red poinsetta seems to be dying, can someone tell me what if anything I can do for it? dying poinsetta ( photo / image / picture from gardennut's Garden )
As much as I love them, I hate them In my house they are disposable holiday decorations. I would say throw it out and find something "Springy"
Looks like a goner to me. They need special care when grown inside, as much sun as you can give it, temps between 65-75, water when dry which could be daily if your inside air is dry and high humidity. I would add it to the compost pile and buy a new one next holiday.
Sorry, nothing you can do for your Poinsettia. I've seen that so many times ... Poinsettia's hate me!
updated poinsetta picture Well, the red one died like everyone said they would but surprise surprise, here is the little white one, it has really taken off. It has a lot of new leaves and seems to love it where it is, it is in front of the picture window with the curtain between it and direct sun. It gets watered when I check it and watered until the water drains from the bottom, then I leave it alone for awhile then check it again. I am really really surprised to see all the new leaves on it. little poinsetta ( photo / image / picture from gardennut's Garden )
Great Job If they like where they are, they will surprise you! It's just hard to find the "perfect" spot for them :-D
I have a hobby greenhouse and if the temps were above freezing after Christmas I would check the city's recycling center and pick up any discarded poinsettias. I would keep them in the greenhouse until the next Christmas and give them to family or friends. The only darkness they received was provided by mother nature and the new red blumes would cover the plant. Some of the poinsettias discarded were quite impressive. It would be a good time to check for Easter Lilies now.
Poinsetta Mine still looks good. I too, get allot of them given to me. I keep them and repot them in the Spring, plant pot and all in the mulch in my gardens. They grow wonderfully. I usually give them away at Christmas time only to have them return. We call them boomerang plants. I think my answer to keep them is to keep them watered. They do not like to be dried out at all. In a house let them sit in a saucer of water.