Does anyone know anything about 'real' popcorn? Even if I could grow it I'm not sure what to do next. My 4yr old wants to grow a popcorn plant, she found a seed left over in the microwave I told her that one was dead but I would see what we could find. Thanks! Sorry I put this in the wrong spot but didn't know how to move it.
Hi teddybear, I just moved your post to the Fruit and Veg forum. I hadn't thought about growing popcorn but in doing a google search I found out there are several types of corn specifically for popping. Since you live in Texas where summers are long and hot you should be able to grow it with little problem. Finding a source for it might be more difficult. But a little google search should come up with something. I did find this site with what looks like lots of good info. Be sure to take pictures and let us know how it comes out. ... pcorn.html
Yes, I've grown the mini multi-colored popcorn. It looks like miniature Indian corn. Pops well and had a good flavor. Like all corn it needs to pollinate for good ears so plant several rows or a patch. It was so pretty we ended up giving it out tied up in bunches and nobody wanted to pop it!
Thank you so much for the help. It looks like we better get started, they all take about 100 days plus drying time. Thanks for the link, it even tells how to harvest. I think I'll let the girls decide what color to plant.
No the popcorn your popping wont work if it is in the over..... However you can purchase popcorn see that will.. Check catalogs or type in google search and you will find one.......... I have raised it, you must let it grow till the kernels are very dry and have dents ineach corn . Then they should be dry. And popable. Barb
Have you seen the cabbage patch kids playhouse on tv? I'm thinking of planting the corn in a double row but in a square so the girls could play in there popcorn 8) . Do you think it would still grow OK?
corn Sure it would .......... Doesnt matter what shape you plant it . Sunflowers would do it too........ha ha That should be cute for them.........I never seen it . We are farmers and plant lots of corn. Go for it .. barb
What they are selling on TV for the cabbage patch playhouse is that instant garden stuff w/ sunflower seeds in it. Then they plant four walls and leave space for a door. I think we will go for it. Even if we never get any 'real' popcorn they will have a ball planting, growing, and hopefully playing in it.
good...... Not only that, it will be on their mind all their life and might encourage another garderer........ Those things happen.... Yes they will talk of it all summer and fall at school. GOod luck. v