Possibly Mis-Labelled Aralia (Polycias sp.) ?

Discussion in 'Plant ID' started by stripedog, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. stripedog

    stripedog New Seed

    Dec 18, 2009
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    Purchased from Home Depot, tag claims it is an "Aralia - Polycias Sp." Small, three leaves per shoot. Photo attached, as well as links to more of my photos of this little guy.

    Mystery plant (Aralia?) ( photo / image / picture from stripedog's Garden )

    After doing a lot of googling, I can't find anything labelled Aralia (or "Polyscias") that looks anything like my plant. Was it mis-labelled?

    I'm posting because I think the little guy is in trouble - after I bought him and took him to the office (2-3 weeks ago), the leaves began to fall rapidly, drying out from the tips in. Additionally, it seems like the leaves turned darker in color over the course of 2 weeks.

    Current conditions:
    Location: Office desk, under a florescent shelf light approx. 12-18 inches above the plant.
    Water: Watering once a week or so.
    Humidity: Fairly dry (it's an office)
    Temperature: Room temperature.

    Any idea what he is and what I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks a bunch!
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    I think the problem might be in the misspelled word Polycias instead of Polyscias. It is an Aralia not sure which one yet but I am leaning towards a variegated type of Polyscias fruticosa
    Mis-labeling of all sorts happen way too often.

    Keep soil moist but not soggy and cut back on watering in the winter since that is not their growing season. Let the soil dry out some but not completely. Watering by feeling for dryness of the soil is always better than watering on a specific schedule.
    They need full sun, part shade or high indoor light.
  4. tmholding

    tmholding New Seed

    Aug 16, 2009
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    Brown County Indiana, USA
    Try looking under Dizygotheca or False Aralia. It appears to be a variegated form of False Aralia. Very pretty.

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