I’ve been pottering about here for a week or so now. Time for a little pause. The broad beans and mange tout were planted on the 21st of february and came up six days later and on the 2nd of march they were this tall: Prior to planting the first plants, I rolled-back the mulch layer to expose the bed where the peas and broadies were to go. No weeds. I raked the soil and made shallow drills. We gave the rills open for a day so the sun could warm the soil up a bit before chucking the plantlets in. First, the broad beans went in. We tossed an enviromesh over the newbies. The enviromesh keeps some insects away and affords a small degree of warmth to the young plants. They had been hardened-off a bit at home out on the balcony. The next day we decided to plant about half of the peas. There are two types: Nairobi (tallish) and Norli (low) They were duly covered and the following day we finished the chore. There will be some cold weather with low grade temps at night, -1 to -2°C for the coming week. In between the greenhouse had to be emptied of soil and a new mix filled-in. Hopefully the strata will gave developed a bit by the time the toms are ready to be planted.
Mange tout ? I'm going to be fluent in Dutch for horticulture after a while !! Like Logan said: you have been very busy and all your young plants look great. As a side note: in the States we say "Puttering around" we putter, we don't potter. Don't mind me I find languages very interesting.