Every year all of my Veronicas (different varieties) get powdery mildew on the leaves. I looked it up and Neem oil was mentioned to spray on them. Is this safe to use? Especially with a curious pet that loves to smell the flowers? She doesn't eat them, Just smells as she wanders through the beds.
Hi 2ofus,..great stuff that Neem Oil,..i swear by it and use it when we have a dull day on all my plants,..great for having healthy rose leaves and Lily leaves,..in general all leaves,..something else about Neem Oil is that it is not harmful to Butterflies or Bee's but only to insects that eat your leaves,..they don't like the scent and if that doesn't keep them away and they eat some leaf they get sick and die,..so no breeding of insects while the Oil is used,..oh there isn't a bad smell to humans,..just insects lol,..not harmful to pets or humans,..in fact it is used by humans. 1 Tablespoon of Neem Oil. 1 Tablespoon of Liquid Soap. 1 Pint of Water. Shake well to mix the liquid in your little garden spray bottle,..spray on a dull day.
you can also spray the plants off with plain water to get what is already growing off the plant. I spray my zucchinis and cucumbers regularly (every morning) to rinse off any mildew starting.