I am thinking about starting a new garden on the south side of our house and plant various varieties of day lily. This is an area that we have done nothing with in the five years we have lived here. Right now, it is covered with gravel that needs to be removed. Will these plants do well on the south side of the house? How should I prepare the soil? Should I plant this fall or have the garden ready to plant in the spring? Day lillies were my husband's suggestion and he doesn't usually like to garden - so I am hoping since it was his suggestion that maybe he will help with the hard part - removing the gravel. Any help and advice will be much appreciated. Polly
Daylilies grow in sun/part shade, but not a lot of shade.Being on the south side of the house they should get morning sun, afternoon shade, which would be fine. They are pretty hardy plants. I think they should do fine once the gravel is removed, and some organic matter is added to the soil. They don't like to stay wet so make sure the spot you put them drains well.
Oh I love daylilies!! I plan on starting a bed with just daylilies along the side of my house for next year too. What time of year should they be planted?
Gosh darn, I love Daylilies too! I just had to comment in here... I have them on the South side and the north, but out in the sun away from the house. I've always thought Daylilies are one of the easiest plants to grow and they come in such cool colors and neat petal shapes now. I have a collection of them and they have just now started to bloom. My Stella De Ore's bloom really early, they are a smaller type, everblooming, but the second bloom is nowhere near the same as the first. I also have Happy Returns as a repeat bloomer. Then I have a lot of different tall Daylilies and I'm waiting for my Cleo to bloom so I can post a picture. It is really different looking. You will love your Daylilies and might even get hooked into collecting them the way I did!
Jubabe, they can be planted anytime of the year, but I would avoid the heat of the summer. Liz, what is the daylily in your avatar, it is really pretty. I have several pinks, I love them.
Hi Sharon, The Daylily in my Avatar is "Fairy Tale Pink". It is one of my favorites. I love daylilies and roses the most. I have perennial mix borders also but I sure do love daylilies. Just to name a few, I have "White Frost, Yellow Hyperion, A Christmas Carol, Picture Bouquet, Cleo, Daring Deception, Strawberry Candy." I have others but these are really pretty if you are looking for some nice performers. The Hyperion has a delicious scent which I was not expecting. Most daylilies do not have any scent.
Oh I forgot!! Liz I love the daylily in your avatar also!! I would love to see alot more of your daylilies!! Pics PLEASEEEEEEE!!
Julie and Polly, did y'all ever get the daylilies planted. Would love to see pics when they bloom this year.
Sharon I'm still waiting for the snow to melt so I can see how much my norse manure rotted down and how much compost I need to add before I can even think of planting. But I will post pictures as the garden progresses.