Many years ago Emma sent me the seeds of Primula japonica. they are thriving. ( photo / image / picture from Palustris's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Palustris's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Palustris's Garden )
Nice, very nice Eric. I have a purple Primula japonica but do like the colours you have. Maybe I'll go and buy some seeds to get more of a colour variation.
Lovely Eric, glad they are doing so well. Maybe you could send me some seeds back when they are ripe as mine eventually vanished.
Underneath the plants is a square metre of seedlings. They will not develop, there is not enough room for them to grow. Pity. I have no more room for growing them on either. I hate throwing things away too.
Certainly is Eric. Wish I was closer...I could certainly rehome for you, especially as I have just created a new damp border around the front of my pond.