I'm having trouble with my princess flower (TIBOUCHINA). The plant gets plenty of water and the soil drains well. It has at least three to four hours of sun daily (we live in Los Angeles). Every time new leaves start to grow the edges curl, turn brown, and die. The plant is fighting some infection I think. I have given it Ortho Garden Disease Control, plant food and Super-Thrive and nothing seems to work. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks. Jim
Hello Jim ~ Have you checked the plant carefully for spider mites? :-? Spider mite and aphids are the only pests that have ever given me any problems with my Tibouchina, so I spray the foliage (including the undersides) of my Tib. grandifolia with water regularly to discourage the wee beasties.
spder mites I haven't tried spraying my princess flower for spideer mites but I will now. Thanks for the tip! Jim