Protecting trees/shrubs from munching moose

Discussion in 'Trees, Shrubs and Roses' started by coolalaskan, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. coolalaskan

    coolalaskan New Seed

    Sep 16, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Southcentral Alaska
    I'm having a hard time growing some trees in my yard. I have 2 apple trees that I fenced and they're doing okay; but I have some current bushes, choke cherry and American mountainash that aren't. The problem is hungry moose who love to munch my trees. I can't afford fencing or burlap to wrap them; so I was thinking about using some old cotton sheets to wrap them. Cotton is a breathable fabric so I think it wouldn't hurt the trees. Any thoughts on this idea? Or any suggestions of other things I could do.?
    Thanks... :stew1:
  2. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    My mother have trouble with roe deer. She's been using the following:

    - Strong smelling soap in or around bushes.
    - Cheap perfume sprayed on pieces of cloth.
    - Human hair in pantyhose bags hanging around the garden.
    - Blood meal mixed with vinegar sprayed around the plants.
    - CD-records suspended from branches.

    All remedies worked for a while until the deer got used to them. Now she's trying to get hold of wolf's urine to spray around.

    The only thing that would really help her is an electric fence, which she won't have.
  3. coolalaskan

    coolalaskan New Seed

    Sep 16, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Southcentral Alaska
    Thanks for your response, Droopy. You certainly gave me some ideas :stew1: I thought I'd solved the problem when I fenced the apple trees.Well, one winter the fence disappeared! All that was left was a chewed up tree and the fence posts. :( I'm thinking it must have been a bull moose that got his antlers tangled up in the fencing and walked away with it. In the spring we looked all around on our property and didn't find it...
    I've heard the brand Irish Spring soap is a deterrent for deer, I wonder if it would work on moose...
    Money is a big factor for me. That's why I like your economical ideas. Worth a try anyway. I may try a different remedy on each plant/tree.

    Do you have moose in Norway? I was looking at the map and you seem to be further North than me. I know we're at Latitude 59. Do you know your latitude?

    Well,thanks again,
    PS I hear ya regarding Autumn not being your favorite season. Us Northerners have to deal with so much cold and darkness; it makes for a looong winter :'(
  4. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    Hang plastic jugs from your fence or lay wide black plastic around your yard.It works for deer not sure about moose.A deer wont jump over anywhere it can't see and walk on plastic.

  5. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    We're at Latitude 67, so we have long, lovely summer nights and hardly daylight in winter. The only reason I wish for snow is that the plants sleep better then, and it adds light in the dark.

    The moose live further south. We have red deer and roe deer. Hanging plastic bags on fencing posts or tying them to the fencing might also help. I've never tried Glendas plastic trick, but it sounds like a good idea.
  6. coolalaskan

    coolalaskan New Seed

    Sep 16, 2007
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    Southcentral Alaska

    I've heard about the black plastic idea; and it would work in the summer. But I'd have to dig up the plastic every time it snowed in winter. ha ha don't think I want to do that!

    I Googled "protecting trees from moose" and found an idea to cut up dryer sheets and tie onto branches. That seems like an easy and economical idea.!

    There was a repellent product I found on the web called "Not Tonight, Deer" LOL Clever! :D


    Most of the trees/ bushes I want to protect aren't fenced; but I could tie plastic bags to the branches. Ha ha My trees will look funny with bags and dryer sheets tied all over... :D

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