I really fell in love with the start of this thread. Hopefully members will add many more posts to it. Of course we as gardeners do come into contact with so many insects and microbes. I am a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London. It is deemed to be the oldest natural history society in the world. Might I encourage you to join your local society. In my library. I have a set of three books, published by Octepus. One book is titled. A Field Guide in Colour to INSECTS. By Dr. Jiri Zahradnik. Illustrated by. Frantisek Severa. When Valerie and I went on holiday to the New Forest. My volumes came with me. The books were published with a price tag, perhaps a bit high for some in the 1970's. Today i reckon the prices would be in the £60-£70 mark. S/H copies are on offer on ebay. Enjoy.