Question about zones & what flowers and veggies I can pl Ok, ya'll may think this sounds stupid , but remember I am a new garderner... where do I go to find out what zone I am in and what kinds of flowers and vegetables I can plant and when I can plant them? Told you it would sound stupid! I'm thinking of maybe doing a veggie garden next year and wanted to know what kinds I could plant here. I'm in Billings, Montana by the way. Anybody have a website that they know I can go to for information? Any help would be great! Thanks a bunch!
Most garden catalogs have zone maps where you can find your zone. I found Billings in my Territorial Catalog and it says you are in zone 4. Other catalogs may list it different but it's all the same really. You have a short growing season, but it says you have some wind all of the time and need to have a wind break or sheltered area for vegetables. If you have a garden book, it may tell you too. Just look for zone maps. It's a good question to ask so don't feel stupid. Dooley
Not a stupid question at all. Try here:
Yeah when I was looking up your zone yesterday to find your roses, I found you are a 4. I did find an article about a lady who grows plants and things from zone 5 and 6 there but with winter protection. She is in zone 4 also. Im in zone 8 so what I can grow is some what different from you. Wish I could hope.
Thanks Thank ya'll all so much for your help. When it comes to veggie gardens, I sure miss living in Texas!! I think I miss the purple hull peas and cream peas the most. I'm going to try to attempt a veggie garden next year. Thanks for all the info!!