Quiz for Bright (Intelligent) People

Discussion in 'Jokes and Games' started by Henry Johnson, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Henry Johnson

    Henry Johnson In Flower

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Sou.Cen. Alabama
    Quiz for Bright People
    There are only nine questions.
    This is a quiz for people who know everything !!
    I found out in a hurry that I didn't. These are not trick questions.
    They're straight questions with straight answers.

    1. Name the one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest

    2. What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward ?

    3 Of all vegetables, only two can live to produce on their own, for several growing seasons. All
    other vegetables must be replanted every year.... What are the only two perennial vegetables ?

    4. What fruit has its seeds on the outside ?

    5. In many liquor stores, you can buy pear brandy, with a real pear inside the bottle.
    The pear is whole and ripe, and the bottle is genuine; it hasn't been cut in any way.
    How did the pear get inside the bottle ?

    6. Only three words in standard English begin with the letters 'dw' and they are all common words.
    Name two of them.

    7. There are 14 punctuation marks in English grammar.
    Can you name at least half of them ?

    8. Name the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any
    other form except fresh.

    9. Name 6 or more things that you can wear on your feet beginning with the letter 'S.'

    Answers To Quiz:

    1. The one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the
    contest ends:............ Boxing.

    2. North American landmark constantly moving backward:...... Niagara Falls
    The rim is worn down about two and a half feet each year because of the millions of gallons of water
    that rush over it every minute.

    3. Only two vegetables that can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons:...
    Asparagus and Rhubarb.

    4. The fruit with its seeds on the outside:........ Strawberry.

    5. How did the pear get inside the brandy bottle?
    It grew inside the bottle. The bottles are placed over pear buds when they're small, and are wired in
    place on the tree. The bottle is left in place for the entire growing season. When the pears are ripe, they
    are snipped off at the stems.

    6. Three English words beginning with "dw":..... Dwarf, dwell and dwindle.

    7. Fourteen punctuation marks in English grammar:......
    Period, comma, colon, semicolon, dash, hyphen, apostrophe, question mark, exclamation point,
    quotation mark, brackets, parenthesis, braces, and ellipses.

    8. The only vegetable or fruit never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but

    9. Six or more things you can wear on your feet beginning with 'S': .....................
    Shoes, socks, sandals, sneakers, slippers, skis, skates, snowshoes, stockings, stilts.
    Love to all, Hank
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  3. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Wow Henry. I know I wouldn't have gotten any of those questions right either. Very interesting though.
  4. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I got seven but didn't know the answers to No1 or No2.

    To be honest I only got the rest as they were either garden, or English, related questions.
  5. Jerry Sullivan

    Jerry Sullivan Garden Experimenter Plants Contributor

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Chelmsford MA
    Some good thinking questions Hank, thank you

    I guess a dueling does not count, Phoo :

    Got that one. A ranger told us when we visited Niagara Falls .

    I got rhubarb as I grow that, my next thought was brussel sprouts

    I don't have strawberries much less have an answer, smart strawberries

    Yep got that one they even do it for watermelons in Japan

    I got one my wife got one, hmmm, does that make two?

    13 of 14 I did not remember the name for an ellipse even though I use them

    Lettuce, yep

    8 out of the 10 that are there

  6. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    That was fun! I got all of them except #9--could only come up with four.
    I'd like to add a fourth to #6--dweeb. If it hasn't it the dictionary yet, it will soon!
    Where do you get these neat challenges?

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