The largest member of this family include the Calla Lily, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Anthuriums, Dieffenbachia and Philodendrons, what is the name of this plant?
Spoiler Amorphophallus titanum or Titan Arum Lily is native to rainforests of central Sumatra in Indonesia and grows from a large tuber that can weigh over 170 pounds. The flowering stalk can reach 10 feet and open to a diameter of three to four feet. The large, leafy "skirt" enclosing the spadix is the spathe. The individual flowers develop around the base of the spadix under the spathe. When the flowers are mature, the spathe unfurls. This entire, giant flowering structure is called an inflorescence. The spathe unfurls about 3 weeks after the bud tip first appears. The fully open inflorescence emits a repulsive, "rotting-fish-with-burnt-sugar" scent. The odor, strongest at night, is to attract pollinators, which in Titan's Sumatran home are mainly carrion beetles and flesh flies. Thanks to the revolting perfume, the titan arum is also know as the Corpse flower.
Spoiler Inhabiting the rain forests of Sumatra in Indonesia, Amorphophallus titanum is the stinker of the family. With one of its common names as the corpse flower, this plant lives up to the name. To attract pollinating insects Amorphophallus titanum gives of the odor of a dead body. Tipping the scales at over 170 lbs. this plant, discovered in 1878 by botanist Odoardo Beccari, creates a sensation when it blooms. The rare event in cultivation it attracts large crowds of curious visitors. In the wild its leaf can grow 20 feet tall and 15 feet across, truly the giant in the family tree. Jerry