I am taking today to say a prayer for those lost on 9/11/2001. I know exactly where I was on that tragic day and I watched in horror as the tragedy unfolded. I was sitting in a high school classroom tutoring students in calculus. I will never forget that moment. There will be no Quiz Question today, instead answer this question: Where were you on September 11, 2001? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDh_pvv1tUM
When the first plane hit the North tower I was in my car on the way to work. By the time I entered one of our media labs the second plane had hit the South tower. We all watched in horror as the towers burned and collapsed. Jerry
We were just getting up, here on the west coast. Today my mom, age 87, has tears in her eyes, for 911, but also for Pearl Harbor, which will be 70 years in December.
I was sitting at my desk at the Salvation Army . . . listening to the radio broadcast . . . and was idly jotting what the announcer said on a legal pad. When I heard that the plane hit the Pentagon, I looked up at my Major, and chills went down my arms. I knew that this was not just an isolated incident . . . America was under attack. I called my brother Mike as I felt that I had to reach out to family just in case the attacks were wide spread. For days and nights when I was out . . . I looked at flying planes in the sky as if they had the potential to be used as weapons, and it could happen at any minute. . . my sense of security had been breached forever.
I was sitting in our computer lab in college working on something when our lecturer interjected to tell us what was happening. I rushed home to watch it unfold on TV. Can't believe 10 years have passed.
I was about to turn off the TV after watching Good Morning America when they broke in with the story of what they thought at the time was a small airplane that had hit the north tower. I was watching when the second plane flew into the picture heading for the south tower and could see the airplane windows and I knew it wasn't a cargo plane. I called Randy, they turned on the TV and a few minutes later all Federal employees were sent home to work from home until further notice. There is no one federal office building in Dallas, that is what saved Dallas from being bombed instead of Oklahoma City in 1995. So with the employees spread out over a large area they didn't want to take a chance that other buildings would be targets too.
I was driving to work at a local Garden Center when I heard a plane hit the world trade center. It was a gorgeous September day and it was our 30th wedding anniversary. I had no access to TV but we just listened to the radio and we closed at noon so we could watch it on TV...we had no customers that morning.