Rabbit are eating my tomato plants, the plants are just stems! How do I keep these little guys from dining on my plants.
This is where Agway needs Rabbit wire instead of chicken wire. Take a roll of chicken wire(the rabbit will not know the difference), unroll a circle of wire, enough to encircle the plant and to a height you think the rabbit will not scale(if the rabbit has grappling hooks and rope, all bets are off). Use a wire coat hanger to make u shaped loops to 'tie down' the chicken wire. Agway also sells rabbit food. Jerry
Thanks Jerry, This rabbit goes through(over?] a fence and up into a raised garden. I can't confirm it but I think he can fly. matt
Matt honey, here in Texas we call flying rabbits "squirrels". Can you sprinkle some predator urine (coyote, fox) around the raised bed to discourage the little bushytail?
I have a robin eating my pea plants.... I forgot about fox urine but I don't think it will help with the dang robins. Barb in Pa.