Having a bit of rain outside at this time, really a welcome sight indeed, (considering how hot it would get otherwise)... So my 3 Papaya trees seem to be loving it right now! As each drop of rainwater falls on the leaves, they (at only 4 feet tall right now) seem to do a mesmerizing dance! A lot like this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT1HCQcSHW0 Raindrops on Papaya leaves 1 ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden ) Raindrops on Papaya leaves 2 ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden ) Male Papaya sapling just starting to flower. ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden ) Female Papaya sapling's first fertilized fruit. ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden )
Glad you got some rain! And are getting fruit! My sis in law gave me a small papaya tree. I've got it growing in a pot. It's about 5-6 foot tall... but there's no sign of it producing any fruit. It keeps losing it's bottom leaves, but promptly puts on new ones on top. Do they need a male & female tree in order to produce?
This is the first time I have seen a Papaya tree. I like the convolutions of the leaves. How long before the fruit ripens? How is the banana tree doing? Jerry
Well, 3 types of Papaya trees can come from planting seeds. A male (which only gives small flowers). A female, which will only give fruit if a male Papaya tree is in close proximity (if over 20 feet apart, than nothing may happen)... However once in a while from the seeds can also come a self fertilizing Papaya - So that one will not need any other male plant near it. As it will have the characteristics of both. But like I said, this type of a Papaya tree emerging from the seeds is a bit rare... If your Papaya is a female, then I can easily mail you a bit of pollen from my male tree. Which you can rub on the flowers of your female tree - And it will instantly start giving you fruit! So from the seeds of that fruit, you'll be able to start your own plantation! And yes, they do grow vertically (with hardly any branches). And older the your tree gets, the bigger will be the size of it's leaves and fruit! Banana tree is doing great, it actually grew about 2 inches since I planted it into the soil! OK, so how long does it take before the Papaya fruit ripens? Well, usually it takes about 3 weeks to a month and a half. Depending on the weather, as well as how mature your tree is. Trees which are young - Like mine which are only 4 feet tall, will only produce very small size fruit in the start (perhaps the size of a softball). But trees which are mature (over 2 years old) can easily produce fruit the size of pumpkins! I had earlier made a post about Papaya trees emerging from seeds. Here is the link: http://www.gardenstew.com/about21487.html
Papaya leaves have other uses too - As a cure for Dengue Fever, (a type of malaria that is often fatal, as it is extremely hard to treat)... See this page: http://ranchodelicioso.com/papaya-leaf-cure-for-dengue/ Although some claim that it's just a myth, started by a chain email letter. I too was believing that it probably has no actual medicinal benefit - But for someone who has little hope (due to Dengue Fever), Papaya leave juice won't do any harm at least. Besides, I myself know of one person who claims to have recovered from Dengue Fever, and states that it was only thanks to the Papaya leave juice...
Update: Since my last post, the Papaya trees have grown over a foot in height! Their stems too have become thicker. However the fruit on the 2 female trees keeps on falling (perhaps because they are too young at this time). However the 1 male tree is exploding with flowers! Flowers of the male papaya tree. ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden )
But still not even 5 feet tall yet... However this male tree will grow very tall very soon (slightly faster than the female trees). As it only needs to produce flowers, no fruit. So that's exactly how it is in nature. Where the male tree grows very tall, and thus is able to sprinkle it's pollen over a greater area (fertilizing more females in it's territory).
That's looking good. Can't wait to see all the fruit you'll get. Mine is just getting tall... drops bottom leaves... put on more leaves at the top... grows some more... repeat.
I think what you've got is a female Papaya tree. Because had it been a male, than it would have been flowering constantly by now. OK, here's an idea! What if I send you some pollen from my male tree, and you put it on your tree to see what happens! Would become a great international experiment of the GardenStew!
I don't think it's worth all the effort SH. The tree is not hardy for my area and I don't have a greenhouse or any place to over-winter it. I only grew it because Hubby's sister gave it to me when it was very little. Thanks for the offer though.
Sitting on a Pillow OK S-H. I saw your cycling video. Great views of the city. But, I want to see the landscapes of the rich and seclusionist. So, when are you going to visit Louisiana? And contemplate: and garden here at the Island Oasis whenever you get the urge. It's paradise and hedonism, all rolled up in one big spliff. I'll take you to Berkeley and points out west.
Seclusionist??? Not exactly sure where to even start looking to find such lot here - As most people born here have a general in your face kind of an attitude... Landscapes of the rich? Well, like all homes here, we have a over 6 feet high compound wall around our property. So we have the same amount of privacy in our front yards, that people in north America can only experience in their backyards. So that I guess is the only difference. Seriously, to expose your front yard to public, thus making it possible for everyone to walk over your property - Will be considered extremely silly here. I think you first need to see this video to fully understand the rules on which my part of the world operates! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvFYBkesqGU