Recessed lighting fixture dilema

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by sprint111, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. sprint111

    sprint111 New Seed

    Nov 25, 2008
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    The kitchen in my new home has an odd configuration of recessed lighting. Sorry I don't have a digital camera available to post pictures, but the layout is something like this:

    (Had to use _ to space them properly)

    The left light being over the sink while the center light is over an island, the U shape surrounds the island. I have chosen a fixture (link below) that I just LOVE but it is very decorative and I am wondering if maybe it will be "too much". Should I use the same fixture in all 9 lights or possibly choose a combination of fixtures? I was thinking possibly using a different fixture for the center and sink light. What do you think? ... =100451469
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  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    That's a cool recess fixture, I have never seen then decorated that way.
    I would have to see pics of the kitchen to make an opinion, but off the bat... I think that may be too much as there IS a ton of them bunched up like that. It is a nice fixture though (baffle actually)

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