It's an invasion year here in West Tennessee for one of our very favorite migrants, the red-breasted nuthatch. They make a noise like a tiny tin horn and are very friendly and entertaining. We first had them here about ten years ago and we trained them to eat out of our hands. Boy were we glad they migrated in the spring. They turned into needy pests! Even when the feeders were full they tried to land on you every time you stepped out the door! We are enjoying these from a distance. :-D We have 5 this winter.
What neat looking birds! All the birds that come to my feeder are very cautious. I can't even get too close to the windows and they fly away.
Bethie I love your nuthatch!! Sadly we don't have them here in Scotland but this is a piccie of one from England.
5! Lucky! We usually only see one at a time and not every day.I have a bunch of his cousin the white breasted nuthatch.
Thanks so much for these fotos Bethie. We know these little birds here as "boomklevers", translated as "Tree Clinger". Such good pics... Well, I've never heard of them getting onto people. Neat! Thanks again.
We have them year round here, and I love their upside down antics. They share our feeders with chickadees, which are another favorite of mine, and at this time of year I'm going through a square of suet every few days.
Good girl maybe there is hope for me.. Wisconsin isnt that far away.... PS I was up there one time....... Do you have lotza snow? b
bsewnsew...I think nuthatches like wooded areas. I never had them when we lived in the city. And yes we've got snow, but mostly cold (-12 F again this morning).