When we bought this house there was several trees we had to have removed, only 3 were cut at ground level, 2 were cut off at 3 foot high and the largest at 5 foot. The only one causing problems was the one in front of the green house. I thought I could use it as a summer potting bench but it was in full sun and too hot, The real problem though was trying to water the 4 foot space behind the stump. A friend had a 4 foot bar on his chain saw and came over and cut it low to the ground. Now we have to get a neighbor to bring is loader over and lift it in our trailer so we can haul it off. Large stump removal ( photo / image / picture from 2ofus's Garden )
Life will be so much easier for you once that stump has gone. Some people just don't think about how big trees will grow when they plant them as saplings.
What a monster! Will you cut it into smaller piece before taking it away? I'd be afraid of breaking the axle. hahaha. Well, now your light and watering probs ought to be solved.This really was a challenge, wasn't it.
We had tree stump like that.DS got longer chain bar and chain and cut it up.It was 100 year old tree. Will use to heat house for 2 years. Had to get guy come with stump grinder. Thought we could burn it out.
Our friend has worked as a logger and still cuts wood with his grown son. There's not a lot of people that have a 4 foot long bar for their chainsaw any more. Next spring we will rent a tree grinder and grind the stump so it's below ground level and put sod on it so it isn't a toe stubber. I imagine we will have to add top soil as the stump decays. Never done this before so we'll see.
So glad you got that out of your way! Yep... as it continues to decay (underground) you'll notice a "sinkhole" forming. Just keep adding soil to that spot. Which reminds me I need to do the same thing where we cut a tree down a few years ago.
We took a tree down when we lived in the country. We almost hit my husbands work shop so after that we hired professionals to do that type of work. Only problem when we did one by the deck of our house, the man we hired almost hit the house. We had him before with no problems but this one really scared me....also we didn't realize squirrel babies were in the tree when it fell but thank goodness they were alright. I am sure the area will look so much better when the big trunk is out of the way....
Congrats on the junk trunk removal! Those large pieces of trunk make for great weird furniture and stuff if you're so inclined.
we bought an owl carved with a chainsaw out of a bigger piece of wood. I can't find my picture of it and we already packed it away for winter. I have seen even eagles done with a chainsaw. I am not sure if certain kinds of wood are better but I do know he treats them with some type of protectant after they are done.
We ended up trading the stump to a local saw mill for 10 rough cut (un-planed) 2 x 8 that we will use to build some raised beds in the vegetable garden. Sounded real good to us. Oh, it was for his daughter that carves with a chain saw.
Completely off topic to the trunk, but my attention was caught and held by whatever it is that's to the far left of the image you posted. Sort of looks like the trunk of a tree, but the part I can see is almost a half circle? What IS that?
Ronni....I thought the same thing. Hopefully he can post a full picture of it so we can see it better... :-?