I recently started renovating my kitchen & I'm very excited about the way is all coming up. I used modern kitchen cabinets & my furniture in other rooms is mainly Ikea because I couldn't afford their furniture. Any ideas for a patio? besides the common porch...Perhaps something more modern. Please, nothing too expensive. I can only spend $2500-$3000 moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules
Carpentry welcome to the Stew a little late. But better late than never. If I was buying patio furniture. I would get the kind that looks like wicker but is made out of a resin product. The weather cant hurt it and it looks beautiful. Plus is very comfortable. Hope that helps some. Have a great day.
Hey is the remodeling completed? Do share pictures once you are done with it. moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules