The Rooster Comb reseeded itself almost too well this year! I've been giving them away for months. Rooster Comb ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) And there's some in the bucket that holds up the hummingbird feeder... Rooster Comb-bucket ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) And perhaps my favorite is this little bunch. I got the idea from EJ's garden (I think) where she had some tulips planted like this. I thought I'd try it except on a smaller scale and since I had plenty of Rooster Comb... why not see how they'd like being in small pots? As you can see.. they don't mind it all! Rooster Comb-3 tier ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) And that's not even all of them! There's more that haven't bloomed yet.
Goodness gracious, they have been fertile haven't they? I haven't grown any in years, wonder if I can still find some at the garden centers I have a couple of pots that need prettying up.
I really like the pretty arrangement you've made with the Rooster Combs Cheryl. Pity I live in Scotland or I'd come over and pinch a few from you too.