I'm still looking for some rose campion Plants to trade for. It gets hot quickly here and it's good to transplant as early as possible. I have several things for a possible trade- bignonia vine (crossvine), akebia vine (chocolate vine), the blue passion vine that is hardy here in zone 7 and black and blue salvia. 8) Pictures available of swap items. I almost forgot. I have autumn clematis. A sprawling beautiful thug that I dearly love but Beware. Are you woman enough for this?
Hi Bethie Just went through my seeds and I have a few extra that are supposed to be Rose Campion. I got them from a trade and they are simply labeled as Lychnis Fushia Red. Interested?
Netty, I appreciate your offer but I am determined to have a plant. I may do a barter with a local nursery. My hubby says I'm the only person he knows that brings plants TO a nursery. Also, I thought there was a problem with sending seeds to and from Canada? I have some nice ornamental millet if it could get to you. 8)
My husband laughs at me too...I once brought some total strangers home from the garden center because they needed some chives and I have a field full! I haven't had much trouble sending to the US. I had a bit of a hassle sending from one postal outlet so now I go to another. I'd love some Ornamental Millet! What can I trade for it?