Last summer an old lady at a yard sale gave me an old coffee can with a rose bush in it. It was just one stick. She couldn't remember what color it was but it looked healthy so I was all too happy to take it home. I planted it immediately and it is doing AWESOME. However, there are no buds or blossoms. My other roses are either blooming or putting on buds, this little dude just keeps growing green and bushy. Is this normal? Is it lacking something? I think it must be an old fashioned garden rose because the leaves are small and the bush is very thorny. I hope it's pink! Deanna :-D
I agree...I planted 3 roses 2 summers ago and all they did the first summer was make a really good root system. 1 did die but we let it try until the following spring then dug it up to find the roots were rotten. Roses can be a waiting game. But sooooooooo worth it when they finally bloom!