I was told yesterday that the PH level of your soil can change the color of your roses, not like, change pink to orange, but make bright pink a pastel or lighter pink. Is this true? I am wondering because I have been searching everywhere for a purple rose, & I always find the really light silvery almost white ones, but I want PURPLE If I can change the color darker/lighter by adjusting the PH level of my soil, then I am going to buy one of the silvery purple roses today.
Don't have an answer for your question but there is a purple rose called Ebb Tide here that you might like. It could be that the purple color you want just hasn't been perfected yet by the growers. http://www.heirloomroses.com/cgi-bin/br ... r=Lavender
I've heard that you can change the colour of roses by simply adding food colouring to their water but I've never tried it and so therefore don't know just how true it is. I know of one purple rose though that you could check out. It's called 'Marie Viaud' and is a rambling rose with semi-double flowers of rich purple. It has light green foliage and shoots. Hope this helps.