How long do I have to wait to plant something after spraying RoundUp. I have a flower bed in the shade that has been taken over by a very invasive ground cover. It has already killed my peacock ginger. I am going to dig everything out of it and spray it. I have tried pulling this stuff, but it roots at every leaf node and is really tough. I have to get rid of it. ... tm#roundup Sharon, Frank posted this link in a topic back in January. The renegade gardener says waiting a week to seed an area after using roundup is fine.
I won't be seeding the area, I will need to plant the plants back in it asap after spraying the area. Do you think the same rule applies?
I have no idea if there would be any effects on 'transplants' into sprayed soil (if it were me I'd wait as long as possible and then plunk them back into the dirt and hope for the best) - but one note about Roundup I have is to shop around on other brands. I get "greenlight's" version of the identical chemical - the bottle I get is the same size as the Roundup bottle, but it is both a) cheaper and b) a higher concentration so it makes three times as much diluted 'Roundup' for my sprayer. The brand-name stuff is way overpriced.
Sharon we use round up in our farming operation and the general rule is ten days for a good burn down and no residual. Hope this helps ER