Rules of Acquisition

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by blissful photons, Sep 21, 2013.

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  1. blissful photons

    blissful photons In Flower

    Apr 8, 2012
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    S. W. Louisiana
    You are at the top of your game S-H. You must be a formidable force in Karachi.

    Get a plane ticket and Passport. It's time to visit Louisiana and San Francisco.

    Consider joining us on the 'Xeric World' forum.
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  3. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Well, I don't know anyone in San Francisco - And personally speaking (just between you and me), I am actually very deeply irked by something, for which that city has now become known for... So I really have no desire whatsoever to be in San Francisco. :D

    However the particle accelerator at Berkeley will be on my list of things to see (if I ever visit) - But alas, they will never let me use it, so what's the point?

    But Louisiana, well, that might be a possibility someday - As I am a fan of the Red Jacket Firearms TV show (I myself am also a doomsday prepper)! Only problem is, they will not export a Barrett 50 caliber - Meaning that I will not be able to take is out of the United States (should I buy it over there)...

    Lastly, and believe it or not but this is a very serious issue for me - Having a US visa stamped on my passport will make me an object of immense scrutiny, especially when traveling to China (from where we now do a lot of business), or to the Middle East... To put it in comparison, it will have the same effect on my passport, as a Cuban visa will have on yours... I know, silly geopolitics - As the 285th rule of acquisition expressly states: No good deed ever goes unpunished! :D

    So to be honest, I rather avoid the trouble. Plus the US embassy over here is known to mistreat just about everyone who is naive enough to approach them... So what's the point of getting treated this badly, and that too for no fault of my own - Specially when there won't be anything to gain either?

    I mean, the 9th rule of acquisition clearly states that opportunity plus instinct, equals profit! But there is no visible profit in visiting the US. So as the 18th rule of acquisition mentions: A Pakistani without profit, is no Pakistani at all... :D

    However, my favorite rule of acquisition is number 208 - Which says: Sometimes the only thing more dangerous in a question, is the answer... :p
  4. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland

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