My landscaping isn't traditional but one made up of native plants that are found in California. The best time of the year to do planting, is right now and recently I made some changes in my garden. I really like the Buckwheat family and there are many to chose from but some of them get too large, so I looked for something a bit smaller and more compact. I chose the Saffron Buckwheat and it just happens to be listed as "Rare, Threatened or Endangered by the State of CA". It was nursery grown and not taken from the wild and I'm thrilled to have six of them in my garden. Here's crossing my fingers that they all survive. Eriogonum crocatum/Saffron Buckwheat ( photo / image / picture from sespegal's Garden )
Ooh, fun, a plant I've never seen! It has interesting shaped leaves and a pretty color to the flower, doesn't it? I hope they all thrive in your garden too, Sespegal.
Wow, that is a nice plant, good texture and will bring alot of interest to your yard. Almost looks like a 'Dusty Miller'.
I really hope all six plants survive and do well for you sespegal. It does look very similar to 'Dusty Miller' or 'Silver dust' as we call it here in Scotland. A real beauty. :-D
Thanks for your comments but I still have some other gray, velvety plants to put in (I forget what they are called, but they are "natives") Hopefully sometime this week I can get them in along with a bunch of other plants that are just waiting on me. P.S. Cuatro-Gatos If you really like them, go on line to the Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens in Claremont and look at the plant list. They run $8.00 for a gal.