Fancy name for electric pump on another rain barrel. This is the second barrel at the front of the house and it's been a real problem for my back bending down to fill and then pickup full buckets of water so now all I have to do is flip a switch. It looks like copper but it's brass so Randy was able to solder the fancy shelf bracket to the bottom. Tea kettle spout ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) Other view ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) It is a very strong stream of water so the pot to be filled needs to be further away from the barrel and that pitcher will be replaced with an enamel pot as soon as I get it up there. But this is going to be so much better than bending down and waiting for a slow stream of water to come from the spigot, keep container plants that aren't watered by the sprinkler is going to be soooo much easier this summer. And in action ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )
Well I'll be darned! That not only looks great, but I can tell it will work great too. One question though... what kind of pump did Evil Roy use?
It's the same kind he used in the other one... Toni's New Rain Barrel he has a photo of the package here. The first one we got at Lowe's but we had to get the second one at Home Depot.
Now I'm confused. The other pump was hidden inside the old pump casing, right? Where is the pump in the new one?
The pump in both is in the bottom of the barrel. There's a 1/2" hose leading from the pump to the outlet. The pump has a nice long cord that goes out of the barrel up to the wiring from the switch. The high volume pump is necessary since it has to push the water from the bottom of the barrel to the outlet.
That is a super system Toni. Will you construct a stand to put your watering can or buckets on so that you do not have to bend over to pick them up once the tea kettle fills it up? Heck, you've gone this far...a little stand wouldn't be too much to construct, would it? Well, I think that the kit looks pret-Ty darn cool.
That is a great setup Randy, clever too. Looks to be about 150 gallons per hour at that height? Jerry
That looks very nice. Well done to both of you. I never thought a sprut on a barrel could be so pretty. You've got both a good eye and an imaginative mind.
Now that's what I call a great and practical idea!! As time goes on you're going to appreciate it more and more Toni. Well done Evil!!
I have gotten a lot of use out of this new 'pumped' up barrel. In the upper left of the second photo in my first post, you can see the on/off switch on the wall, I can watch the pot fill while standing there and turn if off without having to fumble around. The pot is sitting on an upside down wire hanging basket planter. I have several of them from the dollar store that I use to put over new plants until they are large enough to be seen and not walked on and one under the spigots on two of the rain barrels out back and this one. There is a Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii (Turk's Cap) planted between the stand and the barrel so in a few weeks it will large enough to fill in that space. And everytime I fill the pot, there is always a little bit of water dripping on the Turk's Cap when I turn off the pump so it will enjoy that. Pot on stand to catch water from barrel ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )
I like that bucket you're using! And great idea with those hanging baskets. I bet that Turk's Cap is going to really flourish with it's extra little drinks of water.
Wow you two sure come up with some very ingenious ideas. It's like the saying at a place I once worked; Work smarter, not harder. Those are great ideas.