Seed Trading.

Discussion in 'Plant and Seed Exchange' started by Stephinalta, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. Stephinalta

    Stephinalta Seedling

    Sep 25, 2008
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    Altamonte Springs, Fla.
    I am fairly new to seed trading, but it is something I love, recently I had a bit of trouble when my send-out list was erased from my computer, I am still finding people I forgot to send seeds to, those that I remembered I always send a PM or email to, to let them know what happened, to apologize & let them know their seeds are on the way.

    I made a few trades on a couple sites, & on this one site in particular (not going to mention the name), I have yet to receive some of them back, yet only one person took the time to PM me to explain what happened, I even PM'd & asked people if something happened, because if my seeds didn't get to them, I would like to know so I can find out what happened & send another batch of seeds, yet besides that one person, I've heard nothing.

    I understand things happen, I live in a fairly populated area, yet the post office is 45 minutes away, so I order my stamps & have to wait on them in the mail, sometimes up to a week, I also understand that the mail takes time, & seeds need to dry, & people get busy, & money is tight with the economy & the holidays coming, but when I see the person making other posts in the forums on that site, it kind of bothers me that they didn't respond to my PM.

    I feel a bit like I've been stolen from, even though the seeds were never in my possession really. I am guessing that these people just saw me as a sucker & ripped me off basically, but I really hope I am wrong....

    I don't know what to do, & I guess I just needed to vent & some advice from those that have been seed trading longer then I have, So what would you do? :-?
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  3. stratsmom

    stratsmom Flower Fanatic

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Southern Oregon
    Hang in there! I know where you are coming from, try not to take it so personal :) Some people get busy and forget or things come up and they never get back to their seed projects. If they are on several other forums they might forget what they promised and to whom. Or, like you they may have had computer problems. I've sent out a lot of seeds and gotten a lot of seeds but there was never any money involved (other than postage). Seeds are what brought me to the Garden Stew :-D Piano lady sent me some black hollyhocks (they bloomed this year :p ) and Glenda has sent me zinnias and lots of other stuff. That reminds me...Piano Lady did you get your seeds? :D
  4. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Try asking people to send you a stamped, self addressed envelope Steph that way you won't have to pay postage to send them the seeds they want from you. You could also ask them to pop in a slip of paper stating what seeds they want. Hope this helps you a little.
  5. calinromania

    calinromania Young Pine

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Oradea, Romania
    Yes. If you are dealing within the same country, it's a good idea to just ask for stamps. In case you don't want seeds in return...
    And...I'd still insist with more PMs to that particular person that is not responging to your messages.
    Even PMs may get lost somewhere on the way. Maybe that person really didn't even get your PM.

    Things happen!

  6. unicorn2564

    unicorn2564 Seedling

    Sep 25, 2008
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    4 b Iowa
    I hope I am not on your bad list..LOL I just checked my PMs to make sure I didnt have any unanswered and I dont. Good Luck dear!!
  7. stratsmom

    stratsmom Flower Fanatic

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Southern Oregon
    Did you get my pm? :-o

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