Since the wind has blown quite a few of our early apples off of the tree and on to the ground. These two cuties have been showing up and having an apple snack around 5:30, or 6:00pm for the last two day. Last night they showed up again but this time they brought Mom along. They are so beautiful and I love their summer colors. The pic's aren't as sharp as I would have liked. But I was shooting through the patio door and they where standing at the back of our pasture. So we will have to see if they show up again tonight.
I bet they will show up again tonight! They have found a lovely food source in a safe area--what more could a deer or faun want? Thanks for sharing the photos.
Nice photos! We have deer at work, that like to eat from the veggie garden. I chase them away, but they are still neat creatures to watch. Our night man said there were 5 under the apple tree last night. I wish they would eat from the many apple trees instead of my veggie gardens!
Marlin, Netty, and Eileen---Yes they are a wonderful sight. Netty--- so far the deer around here do not come up and munch on our veggie garden. I am soooo glad of that. Last night no deer. But there are so many wild apple trees that are dropping fruit they have a lot to pick from. Maybe tonight they will be back.
Tumbao thank you. The fawns had not come for a few days. But this morning I looked out and there they where, enjoying an apple breakfast. They are so beautiful.
Yes they are so precious to see. I hate seeing the ones that get hit along our roadsides. On PBS a while ago they had a story of a orphaned Fawn that was taken in by a lady. Her black lab and the fawn became good buddies. To the point that when the deer was old enough to return back to the wild with a large orange collar on to let hunters know she was a tame deer. She would return to the ladies yard and look for the dog and they would play together. Or the dog would sit and look out at the woods waiting for the deer to return. Boy I just can't remember the name she gave the fawn, as it is the title of the story I believe. Oh well. The deer even brought her two fawns into the yard to introduce them to her dog buddy.