We have been getting the garden ready for Winter, a little early I know. However, in doing so I have found self seeded plants of almost everything from Aethionema to Zauschneria. So, is it only me that feels very loathe to merely weed them out? It is the same with cuttings, always found that 1 piece never roots, but take 6 and they all do. Trouble is that all the frames are full (45 foot length but 3 foot wide) the tunnel is full (30 feet by 15 feet, both greenhouses, the shade house are all crammed and there are still cuttings in the cuttings frame waiting potting up. This morning I noticed there there are dozens of baby Cyclamen coum of a special silver leafed form coming up, in place where they are not likely to thrive. Help!!!!!!!!! And even worse is what the heck do I do with all these plants when they have grown?
I know what you mean Eric. OK my seedlings and cuttings aren't on such a grand scale as yours but I do hate to just dispose of them. I now sit them on my garden wall and allow people to take them, free of charge, if they wish. I also give loads away to fayres and suchlike around here to raise funds for charity. I don't feel so guilty then at having to get rid of all those healthy young plants. :-D
I did a quick count of passing traffic yesterday. There were 4 vehicles which were not farm or delivery related. And yesterday was busier than normal. Walkers, none and even on the days when folks do come past on foot, they are not going to want to carry plants on the 5 miles from here to anywhere. I do supply a lot of plants to help fund raise for various things, but even so...............Just found a whole ruck of self seeded plants under a Helleborus x ballardii which has golden yellow flowers. Now if I move the.............hmmmmmmmm
Hey I've just had a thought Eric - I know, I know - unusual for me eh? Have you ever considered putting all your surplus plants on ebay and making some money for yourself? I have a few friends that do this but have never done it myself. If you don't fancy that then how about Freecycle? Even if folks have to travel some distance to get to you it would still be worth their while as they'd be getting plants for nothing. If I lived nearer I'd be more than happy to pay for some of your seedlings and cuttings. Mind you I have no idea where I'd put them once I got them home.
Wow, sure wish I lived closer!! I have enough plants of my own but yours sound delightful. :-o My friend Tamie sold a bunch of plants at her yard sale this summer. I've posted want ads at the laundromat, post office and the local on-line classified ads. Maybe a school or church might want them for a fundraiser