For my squirrel feeder should I use fresh corn or the packaged cobs as I'm not having any luck with the packaged stuff. Sleep warm ed Moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
I put out raw peanuts too. The Blue Jays and squirrels love squirrel takes one to bury and the other one sits on the tub eating it and watching me. If you put out an ear of fresh corn it will spoil pretty quick, dried is best. But like yours the squirrels here won't have anything to do with it.
It's a bit expensive, but there is bird seed with all sorts of nuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts, corn and dried berries. The squirrels seem to really like the variety. But I don't buy it very often.
I have some of the dried, and Ive noticed only the rabbits seem to like it. I like bunnies so I dont mind feeding them, as it keeps them from eating everything else *lol*
I quit buying any type of corn for them because the squirrels and birds were not eating it here. I would find it on the ground or just left on the tray feeder. I have tried it 2 different times and no luck either time.