
Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Sjoerd, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    It's that old rainy weather again, isn't it.-- Blowing of fine precipitation...dropping of the temperature. It is all a scenario causing one to be house-bound. UrgggggH. I was not meant to, or made to be an inside chap. It is like a sort of punishment. My parents always said that when I was small and misbehaved that willow switches or other implements of corporal punishment were not necessary for correction. They just said--"Place him in a chair and let him sit still". Apparently that was terrible for me because I always wanted to move. hahaha. Even then I had loads of energy.

    So then, here I's tea time over here, and I have my tea and sweets to soften the pain of this meteorologicaliy induced incarceration. We've done our garden-related stuff, cleaned the upstairs level of the house, researched a new sucking system for over the stove. Our old one has given up the ghost, sadly.

    We set the music streamer on and the Bride has taken up her position in the living room with a book. I made and served the tea and bikkies and am now back here at the PC, preparing to create a worthless thread full of Sjoerd-chat.

    Where to begin? well I could say something about these bikkies and goodies that we are having with the tea. One type is this small coconut macaroon that has a thick chocolate bottom. It's very imaginative name is "cocos choco". I wonder if someone was paid to think this up. A second choice is "Perle d'Or Crispy Dark"...a pringle-shaped rice crisp coated with dark chocolate. Well mates, who wouldn't be oké with this sort of confinement.

    The tea thing that occurs at certain times of day here is always accompanied with some sort of sweet offering--anything from a piece of tart to digestible bikkies. It is a sort of ritual I guess you'd say.

    We had a little e-note informing us of the schedule of cruise guests that we would be having this season. We so enjoy this. The boat arrives, the tourists have a bit of a walkabout here in our city and then are brought to various dwellings around the harbour where local guests have them for an hour, serving them tea and sweets and answer questions about our city or country. It is delightful and sometimes we get Christmas cards from past guests.

    So now I am looking to plant some Eranthus hyemalis. I am actually too late; however, I find that should I plant some now, I probably will get flowers in a couple of months, but that they would flower better if I planted the bulbs at the correct time of year. If I do not plant them now then it is a long wait until the fall. It is something to ponder. Of course I still have to be lucky enough to find a place that still has some in stock.

    I know it's scandalous, but I am already wondering what we shall have for supper. I am looking forward to saturday when we shall go to a friend's house to eat supper and see his foto's of a recent trip to Valencia. He is a professional photographer and so we get to see some very lovely foto's from time to time. It is enjoyable to see the foto's and listen to his commentary. --C'mon saturday!

    Speaking of food, this year's Masterchef Australia has just ended. It is something that we watch along with the British one every year.

    Another show we like to follow is "Who Is The Mole". A show that begins with ten individuals. The idea is for the participants to accumulate as much money as they can by performing tasks. The mole's job is to thwart this so that as little as possible money goes into the pot. At the end of every episode, the participants take a 20--question test. The person who correctly answered the fewest number of questions goes home.

    To participate in this the makers have made an app whereby you can play alone or develop pools. Our family is in a pool. As I said, we do this every year and manage to laugh a lot throughout.

    I have just completed making a compilation cd from some single songs on the cd's that I have in the bookcase. It is a delight to listen to these when driving around in the auto. I wonder if you guys do this as well or if you use your mobile fones.

    Anyhow, that is about it for today...time to begin planning the window sill space for germination, for I shall begin germinating the broadies within the coming month for setting out in march, at the latest.

    P.S. Sorry for this long-winded natter...too much free time on my hands.
    Cayuga Morning and Henry Johnson like this.
  2. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Oh nice chat sjoerd.
    We went away for a month. Where it was warm and dry most of the time. Boating, sitting in the sunshine cooking for a chrurch group of young adults doing a community project for one week, fishing for Kevin, I just sat in the sunshine. Picked a few bushels of grapefruit, picked up about a gallon of Mexican vanilla, out to eat a few times and visiting with friends. I think I am going to become a snowbird. We came home to snow. (And a new heavy snow storm coming again). Some places got almost 10 inches and some just 4 inches.
    I am sitting in the dentist office getting a crown right now or I would be at home ordering seeds for the new season. I am about a month behind since we were gone. Hope your weather let's you get out soon.
  3. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Sjoerd, I so enjoyed your conversation! We, too, have dank, dreary, drippy weather today, and I've been anxious to get out and prepare raised beds, but not today. The warmth and dry that Carolyn enjoyed isn't around us today!
    Entertaining tour guests is such a wonderful way to meet new people and make new friends. I"d love to do that, but we don't have many tourists coming through.
    Please feel free to chat us up anytime!
    Sjoerd and Henry Johnson like this.
  4. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Well, the sun isn't out here today. Not a glimpse to come either. And snow snow snow on the way. Oodles and oodles of snow. I am weary of it and it hasn't even gotten here. Followed by cold COLD cold and then some more cold. Like 0f and wind with a -20 wind-chill to come. Oh joy. Said no one ever! Glad I have no Dr appointments to get my in-laws or parents to.. or me either.
    Today was Dr appointment for my MIL and tomorrow for my mom. Not much else going on today.
    Sjoerd likes this.

  5. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    CAROLYN--I sure missed you. It sounds like you had a fab get-away. Scoring on grapefruit and vanilla was great! Well done. How did the crown go?

    JANE--so glad that you enjoyed the thread. Yeah, we don't have that warmth and dry that C had here either...but today we do have some sun, pity I can't leave the house as we have guys coming to replace the hood over the stove.
    You said, "Please feel free to chat us up anytime". Wow...I haven't had an offer like that in like, aaaaaaaaaaages. :D I laughed til tears came to my eyes. I don't think your ole man would appreciate it though. chortle.
    No, but I know what you really meant. That was a sweet thing to say. Thanks loads. It's British english vs North American english innit.
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  6. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    S. just what does "chat us up anytime" mean in there or as a brit? I assume its an inappropriate means of communication. but I have been known to be wrong on many assumptions.
    the crown took about an hour longer than he had me scheduled but thats okay as he did a great job customizing it to my mouth. nothing worse than a wrong bite. today it seems back to normal. I haven't been chewing on that side for months now. I think the temporary crown must have had a spot that didn't sit right. it took 8 weeks for my tooth to settle down after I broke it.
    and we had a fabulous time getting away.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2019
  7. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Oh it is cold and windy outside today. hopefully we don't get the copious quantities of snow they keep dithering about. one moment it is 6-9 inches the next 2-4..
    Sjoerd likes this.
  8. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    I had a good chuckle there Carolyn. Jane just meant that it would be alright if I wrote more " chat" threads. However in British English chatting-up a girl means having a sort of flirtatious conversation with her with the goal of going out with her. hee hee hee. I believe that I have said this in an appropriate way.
    Is it clear, C?
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  9. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    clear as a bell,S. . Kevin likes it if I flirt with him but anyone else... nah. I will refrain, you are safe.

    anyway I am too tired to flirt tonight. we had a foot + of snow in the last 24 hours. shoveling has been brutal as the pavement and concrete are not frozen. there is slush underneath the snow or a glaze of ice. thankfully I only slipped once and landed on my hip and side. caught myself with my arm and glad I didn't break it. it hurt all afternoon.
  10. waretrop

    waretrop Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Oct 8, 2011
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    north eastern Pennsylvania
    Carolyn...I did the same thing yesterday.. Don't feel like flirting when you are in so much pain....that takes the fun out of flirting....don't ya think???
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  11. kate

    kate In Flower

    Oct 8, 2009
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    Sjoerd, I loved your chat, you should chat more often...:smt041

    Carolyn, I hope your feeling better and won’t need a new hip. I used to put tights on my shoes. I remember one time walking along a main road the tight was filling with snow. By the time I got where I was going I had a nice round snowball inside the tight...:smt026
    Sjoerd likes this.
  12. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Oh dear Ware! totally yes. I hope you feel better soon but I am sure your snow is worse than ours and we had more than I can ever remember in one snowfall. I was wondering about you. glad you chimed in. I am so sore today. my forearm hurts if I rub the wrist I fell on. . my shoulders hurt to move my arms, my legs.. wow I am shocked they don't feel worse. probably from hauling my not as thin as I used to be self around?
    but the hip doesn't feel too bad so I am thankful for that. it has woke me up for the past month aching. maybe from not sleeping in my own bed while we were on vacation. had a raging headache as I woke up this morning from the fall but now it feels better. I think I am being called to live in a warmer climate for the Winter from now on.:smt044:smt082:smt044:smt082
    Kate, my snow traxs kept getting ball of slushy ice accumulated on them and them the one would freeze to the ground if I stood still for a moment I would have to put it back on. so frustrating.
  13. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Thanks so much, KATE-- I shall think about that.

    Glad that was finally clear, CAROLYN--sorry you slipped. Ouchie!! That hip will be sore a couple of days, won't it.
    carolyn likes this.
  14. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    waretrop likes this.

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