I'm sure this is common knowledge to you experts but I was totally unaware of it as a gardening amateur. I've been introduced to multiple varieties on a single root stock. I have a nice size garden not too big. and wanted a small fruit patch at the very corner of it. About enough room for 3 dwarf fruits. This gave the challange of both cross pollinating and getting three different fruits in the garden. After a chat with the local nursery they showed me some mixed dwarf trees. Its great we bought a dwarf plum, with 4 different varieties on it. Perfect size for the garden doesn't need any other trees for cross polination (is my understanding) And we get to have 4 different types of plum for either preserves or eating Another trip to the nursery this weekend and i found a similar dwarf apple tree for trellis. Perfect for the size of my garden plus i get 4 varieties of apple. Looking for a third fruit tree varient and I will be happy. added to that my strawberry pile and fruit bushes and a small corner of my garden will be nicely transformed. Just thought I would share this great find for anyone else looking to add fruit trees to their garden
How about cherries? I know they come in mini edition since I've thought about getting those for myself.
I grow quite a few fruit trees and bushes in my garden so I'd love to see pictures of yours when they begin producing for you.
Just out of curiousity, how big do dwarf fruit trees grow? I'm particullary curious about the apple tree on a trellis. How mini is a mini cherry tree?
Thanks guys, will do some more photos of garden today. I have an old cherry in the other corner I have severly pruned in the hope it will produce good fruit this year. The dwarf apple I was looking at was 4 ft but would probably go 6ft either side of the trunk. If you have seen trellis apple orchards you will know what i mean. My plum is about 6-8 foot. Planning to keep it that height but fill it out. Fruits currently in garden. plum tree possible apple tree next year. blackcurrent bush raspberry bush goosberry blackberry melons to be planted as a trellis and flat strawberries 4 varieties. to be planted thinking about some rhubarb Will be going to the local botanical garden this summer to see what other fruits they have also plan for other parts one cherry tree one apple tree i am trying to revive one 6 year old grape vine re training over next 4 years and planning to put a small hedge of blueberries in the front. i'll try and post pics later thanks for the suggestions dan
Thought i would add my piccie My fruit corner ( photo / image / picture from Danjensen's Garden ) Heres what it looked like beforehand fruit area, before any work ( photo / image / picture from Danjensen's Garden )
thanks droopy. By end of this year I should have the garden how I want it looking. evern with 3 times that amount of land in the other 3 corners