I had put a thai pepper plant in the backyard - yesterday I went out and saw that almost all of its leaves were chewn by something. Even the head of the plant(which had some buds and new leaves) is gone. A few leaves of the daisy plant is being eaten too.What might be doing this to my plants? How do I prevent this from happening again? Is there any hope for the pepper plant to give fruit this year? Thanks.
Your plant probably won't bear fruit. It could be a variety of insects, catepillar or wildlife, like rabbits. I'm not a expert on pests, but if you have butterflies in the area, they eat certain plants in their catepillar stage. Perhaps you could try a pot and keep it on a porch or deck. Gardengater
Can you take some macro fotos of the damage? It might be helpful to aid in identifying the culpret(s). It's a darn shame.
I had of all things tomato hornworms on 4 of my bell pepper plants yesterday. They had eaten 3 almost completely down, an the other one was well on its way. I had never had a TH on pepper b4.
Wow trudy! I thought those primarily munched on tobacco plants. This is a revilation (...and not in a good way) heh heh heh. I found one on the buxux hedge downstairs by the laundry line last year. What's next!?
I don't have pictures but will try and get one Isn't there something that can be sprayed to keep these darn creatures away?