We checked the bee hives yesterday, and saw some of the girls coming in with pollen. They stuff the yellow pollen in sacs on their legs--giving them rather a jodphur effect! Bees with pollen ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden ) We don't know what is in flower, but our bees found it!
There must be quite a bit in flower too with the amount of pollen they're carrying. So nice to see bees active and managing to gather pollen at this time of year.
Did you know that the honey bee is the official insect of more states than any other insect, including monarchs etc.
Eileen, I hesitate to mention it, but the sun is shining and we've had a week of temperatures in the 70's. This time of year here in Texas is early spring. Kildale, I didn't know that! I'll tell my husband when he gets home (he is really the beekeeper). I won't mention it to the bees, they have enough on their minds without trying to live up to "state insect" status!
If bees see colors that humans don't see, I wonder if that is how they spot new flowers. flying above everything and look for ultraviolet color patterns in flowers. Does anyone know how they find flowers? Jerry
Jerry, From what I've read, the hive sends out scouts, and when the scouts find a patch of nectar/pollen plants, they return to the hive and tell the others. They do a cute little turn-around, spin-around dance on the porch of the hive which somehow tells the others how far and in which direction to go. We have seen them do the dance, but haven't been able to follow them to their destination. I'll have to read up on how bees see, and if they have a wider band of color vision. they are fascinating little critters!
These Bees remind me of Army Jeeps which are always carrying extra Jerrycans of fuel on either side. That anyway is what the pollen looks like on them.