While biking about Ontario, we encountered an arboretum with tall majestic oak trees. Each oak tree had a burlap skirt tied about its trunk. No explanation was given for this. Modest oaks? But isn't the business part of a tree up with its leaves? Outside the arboretum, we encountered these maples: So, (long winded that I am) I am guessing the arboretum trees weren't being modest, they were being protected from the ravages of gypsy moth catarpillers. Which brings me back to my title (long winded as I am). My hubbie & I were taking a 5 day bike tour of Ontario.....when you are cycling about hill and dale (which hubbie calls "flat"......Not!!) SOMETIMES YOU JUST GOT TO DIG DEEP and draw inspiration from maples that survive the ravages of gypsy moths & find the energy to put out new leaves!
Out of curiosity I check to see if they are in Idaho. They are but, so far, not widely spread. I hadn't heard of them so I'm glad I read this thread. I'll be on the watch for any sign of them. Thanks! It sounds like you and hubby had a nice time.
2, Yes we did. It was a great adventure. It is fun to go adventuring with him even if I have to "dig deep" on occasion.